The RMS Titanic was on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City when it sank, after hitting an iceberg on April 14, 1912. There were approximately 2435 passengers and 892 crew and just 20 lifeboats, which would only be sufficient for 1178 of the people on board.
The Titanic was a state of the art ship equipped with many technological innovations. The radiotelegraph (known at that time as wireless telegraphy) was operated by employees of the Marconi International Marine Communication Company. The Titanic had a very large rudder that necessitated steering engines to move it. A waterworks system was able to pump water throughout the Titanic via a complex organization of numerous pipes and valves. Watertight compartments were part of the Titanic’s structure and designed to close with doors to seal off these spaces in case of emergency.

Bride, Harold – at Titanic
The Harold Bride mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals and includes an image of Harold Bride and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Marconi, Guglielmo – Science & Inventions
The Guglielmo Marconi mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals. An image of Guglielmo Marconi and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Phillips, Jack – at Titanic
The Jack Phillips mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals on board The Titanic and includes an image of Jack Phillips and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.