Booth, John Wilkes – Civil War


This John Wilkes Booth mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs.  An image of John Wilkes Booth and a short biography are features of this history mug.

Small Mug, 11 oz.

Large Mug, 15 oz.

Clear selection


John Wilkes Booth was a Confederate sympathizer from a well-known theatrical family.  Edwin Booth, his brother and fellow actor, sided with the North.  John opposed the abolition of slavery and joined the militia group Richmond Grays to attend the hanging of John Brown.  Booth, along with four co-conspirators, planned to kill President Lincoln, V.P. Johnson, and Secretary of State Seward near the end of the war.  Only Booth was successful in the plot; Seward was wounded but recovered, and Johnson was never attacked.  After shooting Lincoln in the back of the head, at Ford’s Theatre, Booth leapt from the balcony, breaking his leg, and fled to Virginia.  He was shot there 12 days later when he refused to surrender.  Four other conspirators were also executed.

This John Wilkes Booth mug is part of our Civil War series profiling participants in the War Between the States.  Thousands of Confederate and Union soldiers fought in battles such as Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Cold Harbor and Petersburg.  We honor their sacrifices by telling their stories.

The biographical History Mugs were created to teach and inspire individuals to learn about our diverse and interesting history.  The biographies were researched and written by history enthusiast, Robert Compton.  He colorized most of the historic photos and images used on the mugs, which were originally black and white or sepia tone.  The images and biographies are imprinted on mugs at his studio in rural Vermont.

  • Mugs are food and microwave safe.
  • To preserve photographic quality we recommend hand washing.
  • Mugs are usually shipped within 3-5 days.