06- 6th US Vice President Daniel Tompkins


This U.S. Vice President Daniel Tompkins History Mug is one of a complete collection of U.S. Presidential biographical mugs. An image of Daniel Tompkins and a short biography are features of this history mug.

Small Mug, 11 oz.

Large Mug, 15 oz.

Clear selection


Daniel Tompkins was a lawyer and delegate to the N.Y. State Constitutional Convention in 1801.  Three years later he was appointed as an associate justice of the New York Supreme Court.  Tompkins was the fourth governor of New York, serving from 1807 to 1817.  During the War of 1812, he proved to be one of the most effective war governors.  There are four forts in N.Y. that were named for Tompkins.  He suggested that July 4, 1827, be set as the date on which all slaves in N.Y. should be freed.  Tompkins was James Monroe’s running mate in the 1816 presidential election.  He entered office in poor health because of a fall from a horse and his finances were poor.  He was the second vice president to serve two full terms.  He died four months after leaving office.

This U.S. Vice President Daniel Tompkins History Mug is part of our U.S. Vice Presidents Series which includes all of the US Vice Presidents.

The biographical History Mugs were created to teach and inspire individuals to learn about our diverse and interesting history.  The biographies were researched and written by history enthusiast, Robert Compton.  He colorized most of the historic photos and images used on the mugs, which were originally black and white or sepia-tone.  The images and biographies are imprinted on mugs at his studio in rural Vermont.

  • Mugs are food and microwave safe.
  • To preserve photographic quality we recommend hand washing.
  • Mugs are usually shipped within 3-5 days.