23rd US Vice President Adlai Stevenson


This U.S. Vice President Adlai Stevenson History Mug is one of a complete collection of U.S. Presidential biographical mugs. An image of Adlai Stevenson and a short biography are features of this history mug.

Small Mug, 11 oz.

Large Mug, 15 oz.

Clear selection


Adlai Stevenson served as a Congressman from Illinois and was the assistant postmaster general during Grover Cleveland᾽s first administration.  He fired many Republican postal workers, replacing them with Southern Democrats.  As vice president, Stevenson was a symbol of the spoils system.  He reversed his earlier support of greenbacks in favor of Cleveland’s gold standard policy. Adlai Stevenson publicly opposed the Lodge Bill, which would have enfranchised Southern blacks.  He left a legacy of politicians in the Stevenson name.  His son Lewis was Illinois secretary of state, his grandson Adlai Ewing Stevenson II was governor of Illinois and ran for president in 1952 & 1956, and his great-grandson Adlai Ewing Stevenson III was a U.S. senator from Illinois from 1970-1982.

This U.S. Vice President Adlai Stevenson History Mug is part of our U.S. Vice Presidents Series which includes all of the US Vice Presidents.

The biographical History Mugs were created to teach and inspire individuals to learn about our diverse and interesting history.  The biographies were researched and written by history enthusiast, Robert Compton.  He colorized most of the historic photos and images used on the mugs, which were originally black and white or sepia-tone.  The images and biographies are imprinted on mugs at his studio in rural Vermont.

  • Mugs are food and microwave safe.
  • To preserve photographic quality we recommend hand washing.
  • Mugs are usually shipped within 3-5 days.