Cornwallis, Charles – Revolutionary War
This General Charles Cornwallis mug is part of our collection of Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of General Charles Cornwallis and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Dana, Napoleon – Antietam
This Napoleon Dana mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Napoleon Dana and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Dana, Napoleon – Civil War
This Napoleon Dana mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Napoleon Dana and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

de Rochambeau, Comte – Revolutionary War
This Comte de Rochambeau mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Comte de Rochambeau and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Gilman, Nicholas – United States Constitution
This Nicholas Gilman mug is part of our collection of US Constitution biographical mugs. An image of Nicholas Gilman and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Knox, Henry – Fort Ticonderoga
This Henry Knox mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Henry Knox and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Knox, Henry – Revolutionary War
This Henry Knox mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Henry Knox and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Knox, Henry – Valley Forge
This Henry Knox mug is part of our collection of Valley Forge biographical mugs. An image of Henry Knox and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Knox, Henry – Washington Crossing
This Henry Knox mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Henry Knox and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Magruder, John B. – Civil War
This John B. Magruder mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of John B. Magruder and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Munson, Aeneas – Revolutionary War
This Aeneas Munson mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Aeneas Munson and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Nelson Jr., Thomas – Declaration of Independence
This Thomas Nelson Jr. mug is part of our collection of Declaration of Independence biographical mugs. An image of Thomas Nelson Jr. and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

President US Confederation Congress #7, Arthur St. Clair
This Arthur St. Clair History Mug is one of a collection of the Presidents of the Continental and Confederation Congresses biographical mugs. An image of Arthur St. Clair and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Representative Nicholas Gilman – First Federal Congress
This Nicholas Gilman History Mug is one of a collection of the First Federal Congress members biographical mugs. An image of Nicholas Gilman and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

St. Clair, Arthur – Fort Ticonderoga
This Arthur St. Clair mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Arthur St. Clair and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

St. Clair, Arthur – Revolutionary War
This Arthur St. Clair mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Arthur St. Clair and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Warren, Gouverneur – Civil War
This Gouverneur Warren mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Gouverneur Warren and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Warren, Gouverneur – Gettysburg
This Gouverneur Warren mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Gouverneur Warren and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Washington, George – Revolutionary War
This George Washington mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of George Washington and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Washington, George – Valley Forge
This George Washington mug is part of our collection Valley Forge biographical mugs. An image of George Washington and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Washington, George – Washington Crossing
This George Washington mug is part of our collection of Washington Crossing biographical mugs. An image of George Washington and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.