Morgan, John Hunt – Civil War


This John Hunt Morgan mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs.  An image of John Hunt Morgan and a short biography are features of this history mug.

Small Mug, 11 oz.

Large Mug, 15 oz.

Clear selection


John Hunt Morgan was a lieutenant in the U.S. Cavalry in the Mexican-American War.  In 1857 Morgan raised a private infantry company known as the Lexington Rifles, which later joined the Confederate Army in 1862They fought at the Battle of Shiloh and later led raids against Union forces in Kentucky, resulting in his promotion to brigadier general.  In an attempt to divert Union resources from Vicksburg and Gettysburg, Morgan led a campaign into Indiana and Ohio that was known as Morgan’s Raid.  It was the farthest north uniformed Confederate troops would advance during the war.  Morgan was captured but managed to escape from the Ohio Penitentiary with six officers by digging a tunnel under his cell.  The loss of his cavalry unit far outweighed the benefits of the raid.

This John Hunt Morgan mug is part of our Civil War series profiling participants in the War Between the States.  Thousands of Confederate and Union soldiers fought in battles such as Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Cold Harbor and Petersburg.  We honor their sacrifices by telling their stories.

The biographical History Mugs were created to teach and inspire individuals to learn about our diverse and interesting history.  The biographies were researched and written by history enthusiast, Robert Compton.   He colorized most of the historic photos and images used on the mugs, which were originally black and white or sepia tone.  The images and biographies are imprinted on mugs at his studio in rural Vermont.

  • Mugs are food and microwave safe.
  • To preserve photographic quality we recommend hand washing.
  • Mugs are usually shipped within 3-5 days.