1789-1798, Supreme Court Justice, James Wilson
This James Wilson mug is part of our collection of US Supreme Court biographical mugs. An image of James Wilson and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

24- Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles
This Gideon Welles mug is part of our collection of Secretary of the Navy biographical mugs. An image of Gideon Welles and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

29th US President Warren G. Harding
This U.S. President Warren G. Harding History Mug is one of a complete collection of U.S. Presidential biographical mugs. An image of Warren G. Harding and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

35th US President John F. Kennedy
This U.S. President John F. Kennedy History Mug is one of a complete collection of U.S. Presidential biographical mugs. An image of John F. Kennedy and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Alcott, Louisa May – Author
The Louisa May Alcott mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Louisa May Alcott and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Alcott, Louisa May – Civil War
This Louisa May Alcott mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Louisa May Alcott and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Allen, Ethan – Vermont
The Ethan Allen mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals who shaped the history of Vermont. An image of Ethan Allen and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Angelou, Maya – Author
The Maya Angelou mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals who shaped the history of the United States. An image of Maya Angelou and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Buntline, Ned – Author
The Ned Buntline mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Ned Buntline and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Burton, Richard Francis – Explorer and Scholar
This Richard Francis Burton mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique scientists & inventors. This mug includes an image of Richard Francis Burton and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Carroll, Charles – Declaration of Independence
This Charles Carroll mug is part of our collection of Declaration of Independence biographical mugs. An image of Charles Carroll and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Carson, Rachel – Author
The Rachel Carson mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Rachel Carson and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Chamberlain, Joshua – Civil War
This Joshua Chamberlain mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Joshua Chamberlain and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Chesnut, Mary – Civil War
This Mary Chesnut mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Mary Chesnut and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Colfax, Schuyler – Civil War
This Schuyler Colfax mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Schuyler Colfax and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Cooper, James Fenimore – Author
The James Fenimore Cooper mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of James Fenimore Cooper and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Darwin, Charles – Scientific Revolution
This Charles Darwin mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique scientists & inventors. This mug includes an image of Charles Darwin and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Dickinson, John – United States Constitution
This John Dickinson mug is part of our collection of US Constitution biographical mugs. An image of John Dickinson and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Doubleday, Abner – Civil War
This Abner Doubleday mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Abner Doubleday and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Doubleday, Abner – Gettysburg
This Abner Doubleday mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Abner Doubleday and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Douglass, Frederick – Civil War
This Frederick Douglass mug is part of a collection of our Civil War and African American biographical mugs. An image of Frederick Douglass and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Doyle, Arthur Conan – Author
The Arthur Conan Doyle mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Arthur Conan Doyle and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Doyle, Arthur Conan – British Author
The Arthur Conan Doyle mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Arthur Conan Doyle and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Du Bois, W.E.B. – African American History
The W.E.B Du Bois mug is part of a biographical series profiling African Americans who shaped the history of the United States of America. An image of W.E.B Du Bois and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Dupree, William – Civil War
This William H. Dupree mug is part of a collection of African American biographical mugs. An image of William H. Dupree and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Edmonds, Sarah – Civil War
This Sarah Edmonds mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Sarah Edmonds and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Franklin, Benjamin – Declaration of Independence
This Benjamin Franklin mug is part of our collection of Declaration of Independence biographical mugs. An image of Benjamin Franklin and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Frost, Robert – Author
The Robert Frost mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and poets and includes an image of Robert Frost and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Gage, Matilda Joslyn – Women’s Suffrage
The Matilda Joslyn Gage mug is part of a biographical series profiling Women’s Suffrage and includes an image of Matilda Joslyn Gage and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Garrison, William Lloyd – Civil War
This William Lloyd Garrison mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of William Lloyd Garrison and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Grimké, Angelina – Abolitionist
This Angelina Grimké mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Angelina Grimké and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Grimké, Archibald H. – African American History
The Archibald Grimké mug is part of a biographical series profiling African Americans who shaped the history of the United States of America. An image of Archibald Grimké and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Grimké, Sarah – Abolitionist
This Sarah Grimké mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Sarah Grimké and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Hay, John – Civil War
This John Hay mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of John Hay and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Hemingway, Ernest – Author
The Ernest Hemingway mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Ernest Hemingway and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Herriot, James – Author
The James Herriot mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of James Herriot and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Howe, Julia Ward – Civil War
This Julia Ward Howe mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Julia Ward Howe and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Irving, Washington – Author
The Washington Irving mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Washington Irving and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Jackson, Algernon – African American History
The Algernon Jackson mug is part of a biographical series profiling African Americans who shaped the history of the United States of America. An image of Algernon Jackson and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Jackson, Horatio – Vermont
The Horatio Jackson mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals who shaped the history of Vermont. An image of Horatio Jackson and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

James, William – Author
The William James mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of William James and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Lockwood, Belva – Women’s Suffrage
The Belva Lockwood mug is part of a biographical series profiling Women’s Suffrage and includes an image of Belva Lockwood and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Malthus, Thomas Robert – Science & Inventions
This Thomas Robert Malthus mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors, scientists & inventors. This mug includes an image of Thomas Robert Malthus and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Marsh, George Perkins – Vermont
The George Perkins Marsh mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals who shaped the history of Vermont. An image of George Perkins Marsh and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Melville, Herman – Author
This Herman Melville mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Herman Melville and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Micheaux, Oscar – African American History
This Oscar Micheaux mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Oscar Micheaux and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Morrison, Toni – Author
The Toni Morrison mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals who shaped the history of the United States. An image of Toni Morrison and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Nearing, Scott – Author
The Scott Nearing mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Scott Nearing and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Newton, Isaac – Scientist & Inventor
This Isaac Newton mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique scientists & inventors. This mug includes an image of Isaac Newton and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Newton, John – Author
The John Newton mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of John Newton and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Nicolay, John – Civil War
This John Nicolay mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of John Nicolay and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Orwell, George – Author
The George Orwell mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of George Orwell and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Paine, Thomas – Revolutionary War
This Thomas Paine mug is part of our collection of American Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Thomas Paine and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Poe, Edgar Allan – Author
The Edgar Allan Poe mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Edgar Allan Poe and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Rogers, Will – Actor
The Will Rogers mug is part of a biographical series profiling actors and includes an image of Will Rogers and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Rush, Benjamin – Declaration of Independence
This Benjamin Rush mug is part of our collection of Declaration of Independence biographical mugs. An image of Benjamin Rush and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Rush, Benjamin – Revolutionary War
This Benjamin Rush mug is part of our collection of Revolutionary War biographical mugs. An image of Benjamin Rush and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Sanger, Margaret – Women’s Suffrage
The Margaret Sanger mug is part of a biographical series profiling Women’s Suffrage and includes an image of Margaret Sanger and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Senator Charles Carroll – First Federal Congress
This Charles Carroll of Carrollton History Mug is one of a collection of the First Federal Congress members biographical mugs. An image of Charles Carroll of Carrollton and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Smith, Adam – Author
This Adam Smith mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors. This mug includes an image of Adam Smith and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Still, William – Civil War
This William Still mug is part of a collection of African American and Civil War biographical mugs. An image of William Still and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher – Civil War
This Harriet Beecher Stowe mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Harriet Beecher Stowe and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Thayer, Jack – at Titanic
The Jack Thayer mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals and includes an image of Jack Thayer and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Thoreau, Henry David – Author
This Henry David Thoreau mug is part of our collection Author biographical mugs. An image of Henry David Thoreau and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Trotter, James Monroe – Civil War
This James Monroe Trotter mug is part of a collection of African American biographical mugs. An image of James Monroe Trotter and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Twain, Mark – Author
The Mark Twain mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Mark Twain and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Tyler, Royall – Vermont
The Royall Tyler mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals who shaped the history of Vermont. An image of Royall Tyler and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Vonnegut, Kurt – Author
This Kurt Vonnegut mug is part of our collection of Author biographical mugs. An image of Kurt Vonnegut and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Wells, Ida B. – African American History
The Ida B. Wells mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique individuals who shaped the history of the United States. An image of Ida B. Wells and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Wheatley, Phillis – Author
This Phillis Wheatley mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of Phillis Wheatley and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Whitman, Walt – Civil War
This Walt Whitman mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Walt Whitman and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Williams, Alpheus – Antietam
This Alpheus Williams mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Alpheus Williams and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Williams, Alpheus – Civil War
This Alpheus Williams mug is part of our collection of Civil War biographical mugs. An image of Alpheus Williams and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Williams, George Washington – Author
This George Washington Williams mug is part of a biographical series profiling unique authors and includes an image of George Washington Williams and a short biography.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.

Williams, George Washington – Civil War
This George Washington Williams mug is part of a collection of our Civil War and African American biographical mugs. An image of George Washington Williams and a short biography are features of this history mug.
Small Mug, 11 oz.
Large Mug, 15 oz.